Practice tips: the 12 Marsalis Rules

A while ago I stumbled online on a few good articles on practice tips: a few of these included these12 rules by master jazz trumpet player Winton Marsalis. I want to share them with you as I think they are a great way of approaching practice and playing in general. Enjoy. THE WYNTON MARSALIS 12… Continue reading Practice tips: the 12 Marsalis Rules

Right hand strum – different divisions/accents

The goal here is to be able to accent every possible 16th note in a very simple strum pattern. Of course the accent will happen in places you would not usually put it, so at the beginning, this might feel a bit odd. You will realize right away that this exercise will give you more… Continue reading Right hand strum – different divisions/accents

Guitar Technique: Left Hand Posture Tips

I have seen too many times young or inexperienced guitarists having to go back to basics because of poor left hand posture. In this video I’ll give you some tips on how to better your left hand posture following a few simple concepts: 2. Keep your thumb opposite your fingers on the other side of… Continue reading Guitar Technique: Left Hand Posture Tips

Considerations on practicing – the power of your mind.

       Your mind is a very powerful thing. Have you ever thought how many single actions are necessaries to play an instrument? Even in its simplest form, play a single note on the guitar, it must involve hundreds, if not thousands of impulses in our brain and around our body. This never ceases of… Continue reading Considerations on practicing – the power of your mind.