Build Your Own Musical Vocabulary

I have had a lot of positive feedback about this section from my book ‘Contemporary Blues Soloing‘ and many suggested to share it on-line. I renamed this post ‘Build your own musical vocabulary’ The eBook is available here: Or on Amazon: “…I always felt that one of the common threads whilst I was… Continue reading Build Your Own Musical Vocabulary

Trading Solos PT3

The final video of the ‘Trading solos’ series. Even though not as harrowing as the Batman Trilogy (but still a better storyline than Twilight) I hope you enjoyed this set….let me know if it helped in the comments section below!

Not Happy With Your Tuning? How To Fine Tune Your Guitar

I am sure we are all a bit frustrated when it comes to tuning our guitars. As much as things have become easier by using a tuner of some sort, I always feel I have to always fine-tune my guitar as I start playing. If you don’t want to go as far as installing the… Continue reading Not Happy With Your Tuning? How To Fine Tune Your Guitar